
Far-UVC is known to be effective at inactivating viruses (including SARS-CoV-2) and other pathogens, including drug-resistant bacteria on surfaces and in the air.

Early research also suggests Far-UVC doesn’t significantly damage the skin or eyes. It therefore has the potential to be used to sterilise the air in shared spaces (e.g. offices, shops, cafes). However, more research is needed to confirm the safety of this technology. The Photobiology Unit in Ninewells Hospital is initiating a study characterising the response of the skin to far-UVC light exposures.

They hope to recruit eight healthy volunteers to Stage 1 and 12 healthy volunteers to Stage 2. Volunteers should have a skin type that tends to burn in the sun. Volunteers will have small areas of the skin on their back/upper buttock illuminated with far-UVC light over a few days. The illuminated areas will be observed visually and small skin biopsies will be taken from the test sites that have been numbed by a local anaesthetic. Participants who successfully complete the study will receive a compensatory payment of £500.

For more information about this study please email [email protected]


Please tell us a little more about yourself to see whether you may be suitable for this study

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Does your skin type tend to burn in the sun? *
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Are you 18 years or older? *
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Do you live in or near Dundee? *
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